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This Week Guest Blogger at "While The Dervish Dances"

Is that You God?

From: the pen of Rev. LaWaughn Rouse at Radical RevLa

To: God Almighty

Hey God,

It’s me, yeah me, Radical RevLa. Thought I’d send you an email because let’s face it, this is the fastest way. Thank you for giving me the time I needed to make sense of our last conversation. I understood what you were trying to tell me but didn’t want to accept it. The bird in the nest thing is hard for me to accept but the concept was exactly what was needed at the time. Likewise the caterpillar and the cocoon. The only way to evolve – and yes, really, I do get it! – is for a mother to stop mothering, or rather, to mother in a different way. But oh it is so hard to do. See, my daughter is my princess, my baby girl, the last child I will ever have. And she needs read entire blog


This week I have the honor to be one of the guest bloggers at "while the dervish dances" a blog by Cathy Kozak. She is a great author and has a wonderful blog. She also has a book coming out soon. Please continue reading my post "Letters From The Edge" and enjoy her blog posts as well. She can also be found at She Writes.


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